The second artist who is telling us his point of view about the Quarantine is Beatrice. She will let discover us an island.
That’s imaginary, perceived and real at the same time.
If we are an island, what can be the effects of a quarantine on us?
Beatrice Fanari tells us her point of view.
April 22, 2020

Quarantine like a godsend.
Is that possible?
Today we read the effects of distant events and thoughts.
All happened like this: I graduated in June 2019. I got very panicky about my future and I let myself be drawn into a whirlwind of cases. I have been in Burgundy, Jordan and Paris and in the end I went back home, on the Elba Island.

Winter comes quickly.
My life is empty.
Love is exactly 1155 km away.
I deal with the fear of starting over and the terror of failing.
Summer is over, I start to organize myself in order to spend the winter on the rock. Trying to avoid thinking too much about imprisonment and to be well acceptance in our contemporary society. Sewing course, English course, course to become travel designer, rehearsals for children, volleyball and gym.
“Just?” I was wondering.
It was time to go back from holidays. Ready careful away.
The courses continue, the months pass, March exams approach.
And then? That day of March arrived, when ANSA Agency wrote online: “[…] Coronavirus alert, starting from today all schools close.”
I think “How lucky! I don’t like English has never gone down, let alone study for a certification. I will have more time to dedicate myself to it!”.
When the schools closed, the planet closed in an absurd way. All postponed. As a procrastinator I thought: “It’s a really good thing, I will finally have time for photography and creation!”.

I believe this period of blockade arrived for us ‘people dedicated to the consuming time’ to impose a self-reflection and an in-depth analysis regarding the previous habits. We totally forgot the introspective and spiritual aspects were lacking, to give space to greedy ‘produce-consume’.

The only thing I consume is tears, thinking about what will become of our future untili now.
I’m consuming thoughts thinking of the past made of bitter moments while i used brave my brain. I’m consuming and burning pixels and film to express myself, and it is the only form of consumerism that I do not consider harmful.
This moment has the power to make a change. The goal is to be able to embrace the nature that gives me joys for all the senses, friends and love that can relieve pain… and transform them into beautiful colors.
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